ArPa 2023: Feira de Arte do Pacaembú - SP

31 May - 5 June 2023 

For the next edition of ArPa, Galeria Marilia Razuk presents a solo project by the artist José Bechara (Rio de Janeiro, 1957) with approximately ten works, including paintings, oxidations, and a graphic sculpture. With a luminous chromatic research, the artist builds geometric spaces that move between formal rigor and random occurrences, dealing with ethereal issues through geometry and the action of time. Delving into his experimental character and the diversified use of methods and materials, the artist allows new experiences in the pictorial field, revealing tones and wefts, bringing elaborate spaces from fields that oscillate between borders to reveal a construction that strives to emerge in the plane. "I strive to damage mathematics and erode certainties. My geometry strives to emerge and stay in the plane," in the artist's own words.


Geometric elements are also present in the graphic sculpture  (Escultura Gráfica)- solid, hollow cubes that combine randomly to create spatial drawings that expand and dialogue with each other through the projections of their shadows, once again bringing the element of the intangible into his work.